• Personal Life

    7 Ways To Start Showing Up For Yourself

    We all have big dreams and goals we want to reach. Oftentimes we even know exactly what we need to do to achieve those goals. Personally, and I’m sure you can relate, I tend to be my own worst enemy. I stand in my own way of reaching my idea of success because of little things like fear and anxiety that will absolutely hold you right where you are forever if you let them. It’s never easy to hold yourself accountable but no one else can do this for you. The great thing about life is that there’s no specific time frame or date you need to accomplish everything by.…

  • Uncategorized

    Creating My Peace in a Pandemic

    Well here we are, more than halfway done with August. My 27th birthday has come and gone. My 2 year old turned into a 3 year old (but actually looks like a 5 year old). I moved 600 miles in the middle of a pandemic. We got a cat. I sold most of my furniture and now have a blank slate. Lately I’ve been putting a huge focus on my tarot practice, plants, and creating a home space that will finally feel like an oasis to me; rather than just where I keep all my shit. I’ve been doing this by starting my days with a tarot pull and an…

  • Reselling

    5 Basic Reseller Essential Tools & Bonus Newbie Tips

    Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links but you can rest assured that I will never promote any products I don’t personally use or stand by. If you’re intrigued by reselling but haven’t gotten started, it can be intimidating. There’s so much that goes into it and there’s a plethora of tools and resources you can find and invest in but I truly think the best thing you can do is to start off with the necessities and learn from your own experience. Of course it’s important to do your research but this business really requires you to just dive in and do it. It seems hard but it’s really…

  • Reselling

    Why Poshmark is the Best Platform To Start Selling On

    I want to start by letting you know this is NOT sponsored in any way, just my genuine thoughts from personal experience! I’ve been reselling for almost 3 years and while I’m still a novice compared to Ebay’s first sellers back in the late 90’s I’m now a full time reseller and it’s my primary source of income. I use 6 different platforms (I can’t even believe it’s that many!) to resell on so I know a thing or two about the differences between them. There’s a handful of steps you have to take to get your first sale and Poshmark definitely makes it simple enough for people looking to…

  • Finance

    5 Ways To Save Money During Quarantine

    Cash is tight worldwide these days so I compiled a short list of ways you can start saving a little more money at home.  1.My first tip is to cook more! Yes, ordering delivery or take out is so much easier and a time saver but we both know how quickly those expenses add up. You’re much better off if you take about an hour a week, preferably the day before you intend to go grocery shopping, to sit down and plan out your meals, snacks, and desserts for the week (desserts are a necessity here, ok?).  I usually start by cleaning out old leftovers and taking an inventory of…